Connect with Current Students

Alumni are a key part of educating students about diverse career pathways and often connect them with specific opportunities.  Here are ways that you can support students at any stage of their journey:

Post an Opportunity

Graphic of three figures in shadow, with text saying "We are hiring!"

Alumni and parents wishing to hire Faculty of Arts & Sciences (Harvard College, Griffin GSAS, or Harvard Extension) students and recent graduates can post positions for free on Crimson Careers, the MCS online jobs and internships database. Please register using the “Employer” section of Crimson Careers.

Short-term projects, sometimes called micro-internships, are a great way for students to build skills, earn money, and create invaluable alumni connections. If you have a project in mind, or have the capacity to develop one, please consider sharing it with Harvard students by posting in Crimson Careers.

  • These opportunities should be skill-building for the student and/or educate the student about a specific field.
  • We recommend that projects are paid, however, unpaid projects are welcomed if they have a significant learning component or support nonprofit or mission-driven initiatives.
  • Projects can be remote, hybrid, or in-person.
  • In-person projects cannot take place in someone’s home and unskilled tasks will be referred to the Student Employment Office.
  • We reserve the right to reject opportunities that are not skill building or educational.

Post to Crimson Careers

Join the Online Alumni Community

Harvard Alumni Association, with Harvard University Shield

Offer advice to students and other alumni by joining the HAA online alumni community of people willing to network with students and other alumni. See the Harvard alumni directory registration page for details.

Register for the Harvard Alumni Directory

Join MCS Firsthand Advisors

MCS Firsthand Advisors

MCS Firsthand Advisors is an online platform designed by Harvard alumnus Fredrik Maro, MBA ’10, to connect students with alumni from a variety of Harvard schools who work in diverse fields and organizations. The tool facilitates “flash mentoring” – allowing you to provide a burst of expertise in job search and/or career advice without being a burden on your limited time. There are currently three consultation types:

  • Career Chats,
  • Resume Reviews, and/or
  • Practice Interviews

Firsthand makes it easy to schedule phone conversations with students through the platform while keeping your personal contact information confidential, and joining the platform takes only a few minutes. To register for MCS Firsthand Advisors, please visit:

Students and alumni advisors are also able to join “Groups” which allow users to identify each other based on a shared interest, identity, or residence. 

Join Firsthand Advisors

Participate in a Program on Campus or Remotely

Woman holding microphone, speaking on a panel

Many alumni in diverse fields enjoy connecting with students by participating in educational programs on campus or remotely via Zoom. Email your interest and field to

  • Participate in a career program.
    • Speak on a panel, represent your organization or field at a career event, or participate virtually in a career chat.
  • Apply to be a Professional in Residence.
    • The goal of the Harvard Professional in Residence program is to connect students to alumni in the professional world across a variety of industries to facilitate a deeper understanding of career opportunities and trends. Some activities include office hours, lunch-time career chats, and evening industry workshops/seminars.
