Services for Alumni

Harvard College and Harvard Griffin GSAS Alumni within Five Years of Graduation

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) specializes in entry-level opportunities for current students and recent alumni. Alumni have full access to all services for five years, with the exception of some online subscription resources.

To register for an alumni Crimson Careers account, please complete the short alumni registration form.

If you are a Harvard Griffin GSAS alum and would like to receive the MCS Harvard Griffin GSAS weekly newsletter, please complete the brief alumni newsletter registration request.

Harvard College and Harvard Griffin GSAS Alumni beyond Five Years of Graduation

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) is an entry level career office primarily focused on serving graduating students. The office is not specialized in mid-career employment or transitions and is unable to advise alumni needing these services. After five years, alumni are entitled to one phone call each year to review their resume and discuss ideas for next steps. Alumni who attended graduate or professional school after Harvard College may wish to contact their graduate or professional school’s career office for help in their field or with transitions out of that field. Alumni needing a higher level of career support such as testing, assessment, coaching, or multi-session advising should seek a local career advisor through the directory of advisors recommended by the National Career Development Association. To request an alumni phone consultation, please complete the intake form.

Harvard Extension School Alumni

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) Harvard Extension School team offers career and graduate school resources, events and workshops, and individual career advising to degree alumni of all class years. Our team specializes in providing advising for experienced professionals at all stages of their career. For details and additional information, visit the HES advising page.