Coffee Chats & Office Hours
Coffee chats and office hours are a great way to ask recruiting, application, and interview questions while demonstrating your interest in and making connections at a particular organization. The format is either a one-on-one or a small group conversation that usually lasts anywhere from 10-30 minutes. Students should bring their resume in case there is an opportunity for feedback. These events typically take place at a local venue in Harvard Square, but they can also take place virtually or elsewhere in the Boston/Cambridge area. Representatives are often recent alumni who have been in your shoes, which makes them more approachable and likely to have relevant insights and advice. Ask for business cards or connect via LinkedIn to follow up, as alums often become your best source of “insider information” to navigate the hiring process. You can also reference people you meet in your cover letter or application materials, which reaffirms your interest in the position and the organization.