MCS-Funded Independent Internships Outside the U.S.

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) supports students for two types of internships outside the U.S., either virtual or in-person.

  1. An independent, self-arranged internship or research assistantship where the student makes arrangements directly with a supervisor at an organization based outside the U.S. OR
  2. Aninternship arranged by a third-party internship provider at an organization based outside the U.S. where the student pays a program fee to participate. 

If you receive funding from another source, you must notify us immediately.  Harvard College students can only accept one funded summer experience each summer according to Harvard College’s Summer Funding Policy.  

**Note: Students may apply Harvard University funding to two different opportunities, given that one source of funding supports thesis research and that the two opportunities do not overlap in time.  If a student applies for multiple sources of funding under this exception, they should email all involved funding centers with the timing of their thesis research and other summer experience.**  

MCS awards are not transferable.  If your internship organization or location changes, you need to seek our approval to be funded for your opportunity.  Similarly, funding for one type of opportunity (such as an independent internship) cannot be moved to another type of opportunity (such as an internship with a third-party internship provider or study abroad).  If there are any changes to your internship (i.e. type, format, location, duration, etc)  and you do not inform us, your award may be rescinded. 

Important Dates

  1. Thursday, March 6, 2025, 11:59pm ET – Deadline to apply for MCS funding
  2. Friday, April 4, 2025 – Funding notifications go out
  3. Friday, April 25, 2025 – Deadline to submit pre-departure requirements to receive funding 

Who Can Apply for Funding?

MCS can only fund students who:

  • Are in good standing at time of application and through the duration of the summer internship
    • Students not in good standing at the time of applying for MCS funding will only be considered if they have an endorsement from their ResidentDean (RD) stating that the RD supports the student’s application for MCS funding.  Emails must be sent to summerfunding@fas.harvard.eduby the application deadline.  
  • Are current Harvard College undergraduates, 1st-year through 1st semester senior during Spring 2025
  • Are enrolled full-time during Spring 2025
    • In accordance with the Student Handbook, students in good standing who are on a voluntary leave of absence may be permitted to apply for Harvard funding, including but not limited to summer grants, provided that they have obtained the Administrative Board’s prior approval. In making this determination, the Administrative Board will consider the relevant circumstances, including, for example, the circumstances that led to the student’s leave of absence.  Students on leave should start this approval process as soon as possible by contacting their Resident Dean; if approved, students must submit all applications by their posted deadlines. 

**Preference will be given to students who have NOT received prior MCS funding.**

MCS will NOT fund: 

  • Internships in high risk countries or regions
  • Internships at multiple organizations 
  • Internships that take place in multiple cities or states 
  • Internships that are less than six weeks long 

How to Apply:

  1. Apply directly to the organization with which you want to intern or conduct research
  2. Enroll in direct deposit. See direct deposit instructions
  3. Apply in CARAT to MCS Funding for an Internship or Research Assistantship Outside the U.S. SU25 (IND)by 11:59pm ET on Thursday, March 6, 2025 with the following materials:
    1. Host organization support letter listing dates and location of internship  (Download sample support letter).
    2. Completed Internship and Research Assistantship Form, PDF format
    3. One-page resume, PDF format (we recommend using our templates)
    4. Unofficial Transcript, PDF format (available under Grades tab, “View Unofficial Transcript” in my.harvard)
    5. Proof of Direct Deposit enrollment, PDF format. Submit a pdf screenshot from the “Student Accounts” section from my.harvard that shows you are enrolled in direct deposit (Download sample screenshot)

How Much is Awarded, and What is not Included?:

  • Virtual: $4,000
  • In-person: $6,500-$14,750 (amount depends on country)
  • It is the student’s responsibility to cover or supplement any extra costs not covered by the stipend (i.e. visas, personal expenses, immunizations, etc.)

How are Funding Decisions Made?

  • Due to high demand, last year, MCS was only able to fund about 48% of eligible applications – funding decisions are made by a committee at MCS and are not based on financial need
  • Not all students on financial aid are funded, and internship confirmation does not guarantee funding.
  • Funding for students pursuing internships in their home countries is limited.
  • Funding for fully remote internships is limited.

If You Receive a Funding Offer: Pre-Departure Requirements

The following pre-departure requirements are REQUIRED for in-person or hybrid internships – MCS cannot disburse funds until all requirements are completed:

    1. Read Harvard College International travel policy
    2. Identify your destination’s travel risk rating - students may not travel to countries or regions within countries where the risk rating is “high.”
      1. If you intend to travel to an “elevated” risk country or region, submit an online travel safety questionnaire.
      2. If you intend to travel to an “elevated” risk country or region, attend an elevated-risk orientation at some point this spring.
    3. Sign and submit the travel waiver and release form
      1. PLEASE NOTE: Submit either the “College Students – Research of Study” or “College Students – Research or Study in Elevated Risk Destinations.”  ALL FIELDS MUST BE FILLED OUT. MCS will provide a link to upload this form.
    4. Watch the GSS Online Pre-departure Orientation to completion
    5. No more than 90 days prior to your departure and no later than Friday, April 25, 2025, upload the Harvard College Health Clearance packet to the HUHS patient portal.  Once cleared by HUHS, submit a screenshot of the message to MCS. MCS will provide a link to upload this screenshot.


Contact the Summer Opportunities Funding team at