MCS Firsthand Advisors platform connects students with alumni virtually from a variety of Harvard schools who have worked at top organizations worldwide and have volunteered to support current students in their career pursuits. This tool features:
- Over 3,500 alumni across a variety of industries and professions.
- Ability to search alumni by field of study, industry, employer, and area of expertise.
- Scheduling and connection tools to engage in “flash mentoring.”
- Options for a one-on-one career chat, resume review, or mock interview.
- “Group” features that connect students and alumni across specific affinity and interest areas.
- Over 3,000 new advisors that have been added since 2020, thanks to outreach by the Harvard Alumni Association.
There are also several thousand professionals on MCS Firsthand Advisors who are not Harvard alumni, but are still available to you free of charge.
Getting Started for Students
Access the MCS Firsthand Advisors platform using these simple steps:
- Visit https://harvardmcs.firsthand.co/.
- Click the “Sign Up / Sign In” button followed by the “Log in with HarvardKey” button to successfully log in.
- Complete Your Profile. The following fields are required for your profile to be considered complete:
- First Name
- Last Name
- Current Location
- Education (required for each degree):
- School Name
- Graduation Year
- Degree
- Field of Study
- Career Goals (“I’m really not sure” is an option)
MCS/HAA Firsthand Advisor “Group” Pilot
The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) has partnered with the Harvard Alumni Association (HAA) and other campus partners to pilot the “Group” feature in the Firsthand Advisors platform. By joining a Group, students and alumni can identify each other based on a shared interest, identity, or residence. There is also a “Discussion” feature to post questions, thoughts, etc. only to other group members. Below are the alumni communities that have volunteered to participate in this pilot. This is just a small number of groups and does not fully represent the diversity and expansive interests of Harvard alumni and students.
- Currier House
- FGLI (First Gen, Low Income) Students and Alumni
- Global Development Sector
- Harvard Asian American Alumni Alliance (HAAAA)
- Latinx/Hispanic Students and Alums
- LGBTQ+ Students and Alumni
- Native American Alumni of Harvard University (NAAHU)
- Public Service Advising
- Quincy House
- Women in STEM
For Alumni
To become an advisor in Firsthand, please see our Alumni Get Started Guide. We also invite you to explore other ways to Connect with Students.