MCS will be closed on Monday, February 17 for the University holiday.

The creative arts are among the most collaborative but competitive professions. Careers in these fields focus on performance (actors, dancers, musicians, singer-songwriters), direction and composition (choreographers, composers, directors, writers), technical aspects (sets, lighting, sound), or visual design (graphic designers, title designers, photographers, animators). There is often overlap, e.g. costume designers work in both visual design and technical areas, writer-directors are common, and many choreographers are also performers.

Finding Internships

Internships and apprenticeships are extremely important in the creative arts, providing the opportunity to develop relevant skills and an insider understanding of how the arts industries work as well as contacts that could help you land that future employment. Some areas of the performance arts such as acting, music, and dance, offer apprenticeships or special festivals during the summer. For actors, summer can also be a good time to take additional acting classes and submit tapes for open casting calls. Other creative arts fields, such as film and design, offer year-round internships. For those interested in the entertainment industry, the alumni-created and run organization Harvardwood is extremely helpful.

Finding Jobs

Performers are hired through auditions, and visual artists primarily on the strength of their portfolio. Technicians and arts administrators are hired through a more traditional interviewing process. In the film and music industries, your chances of finding a job will be greatly improved if you’ve completed at least one internship; film and music are industries where networking is everything, and the contacts you’ll make during your internships will be vital to breaking into these fields. Learning to network successfully and comfortably will make your job search much easier.

Graduate and Professional Programs

It’s not necessary to obtain a graduate degree in the creative arts to be able to find work. Performers may find it helpful, though, particularly if they want to build their technical skills to compete with students who’ve attended Conservatory or MFA programs. Students interested in film may also find a graduate program beneficial for both the training and as an excellent source of industry contacts.

Tamarin Tales: Gabrielle’s Summer Research in the Amazon

Gabrielle Mostow is a junior from Adams House concentrating in Human Evolution Biology. This past summer, Gabrielle completed an eight-week internship with Field Projects International in the Peruvian Amazon, where she assisted in research on the behavior and ecology of …

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Summer Funding
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Student Reflection: From Mather to Geneva – Meghan’s Summer at CERN

Meghan is a senior in Mather House studying Physics. During the summer of 2024, Meghan completed an internship at The European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN) in Geneva, Switzerland. 

Where did you go? 

This past summer, I conducted research …

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Summer Funding
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Takeaways from the Humanities, Media, Marketing, and Creative Careers Panel

by Emily Tran Helms ’28, MCS Student Assistant

MCS recently hosted an alumni panel to explore pathways in humanities, media, marketing, and creative careers. Panelists included:

From embracing nontraditional paths to utilizing the power of networking and transferable skills, their …

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Guest or External Blog
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There are two ways to use this tool below:

  1. By Keyword: Search for the name of the occupation you’re interested in.
  2. By Occupation: Not sure what job you’d like? See available occupations within this career pathway/industry.

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Meet Jaidan
  • CA
  • Center for Cultural Power X California Arts Council Center for Cultural Power X California Arts Council
Meet Isabella
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Master's Candidate, Writing for Screen and Television University of Southern California School of Cinematic Arts
Meet Timothy
Meet Bernard
Meet Cameo
Meet Alexander
Meet Mykalyster
Meet Clara Nevins
Meet Nate Corddry
Meet Kody Christiansen

Contact & Location


Harvard University
54 Dunster Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

MCS Hours

Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) is committed to ensuring access to a broad range of information and opportunities across all sectors. Our website contains external content that may be useful to our learners. The inclusion of external content does not necessarily constitute endorsement, recommendation, or agreement with the information.