Department or degree program?
Speech and Hearing Bioscience and Technology

What will be your next step after graduation?
Working as Postdoctoral Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania.

Where will you be living for your next step post-graduation?
Philadelphia, PA

What advice do you have for Harvard Griffin GSAS students, now that you’ve graduated?

Have an online presence. If someone googles “[Your Name] research/Harvard”, your page should be the first thing that pops up. Keep it updated. Have a Google Scholar page. Do whatever you can to keep your name in potential employer’s head. Like / retweet their work. Cold email. Open Pull Requests on their code repos. Choose your dissertation advisory / examination committee strategically. It is an opportunity to give a good impression to a potential postdoctoral advisor. Look for STEM postdocs early. Funding cycles are very long. It is better for labs to know interest early so they can tailor grants to have postdoc funding years down the line. Anytime you present to another lab, no matter how casual the pretense may appear, it is your postdoc interview. Do not present unpolished work.