Many job seekers, especially those who are more toward the beginning than end of their careers, struggle to decide what kind of a job they want to do. For those, we recommend pulling out a legal pad and dividing it …
On President Biden’s first day in office he proposed an immigration bill that features a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants and makes Dreamers — young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children — immediately eligible …
With this year’s H-1B visa registration season well underway, we spoke with International Student Career Expert Marcelo Barros about what international students should be doing now, common mistakes students make when searching for U.S. employment, and what we can expect …
For first-generation college students, the entire college experience is completely new and uncharted. With no family to lean on for advice and support in terms of knowing the ins and outs of college life, it’s no wonder that a recent …
Diversity and inclusion have long been buzzwords that companies parade—often for marketing purposes. But in the past few years, more and more job seekers and employees, particularly millennials and Gen Z, are vetting companies by their diversity and inclusion track …
Companies across the globe are talking about removing bias, giving everyone equal opportunities, and creating healthy, diversity-friendly work environments. However, diversity is too often just a buzzword. Creating an inclusive culture is a bit more complex than merely saying your …
Employers talk a lot about diversity and inclusion. In fact, you'll be hard-pressed to find a company that doesn't say they're diverse and inclusive. Companies make these claims on their web sites, in job descriptions, and at career fairs. But how …
Today, we’re pleased to release our new ranking of the 30 Best Internship Programs for Overall Diversity. The ranking is based on a survey of more than 11,400 current and former interns from more than 100 internship programs. This past …
What are your post-graduation plans?
What is your anticipated job title or function?
Senior Data Scientist
What advice do you have for Harvard GSAS students, now that you are graduating?
If possible, get experience in an internship or part-time …