What was your concentration at Harvard?
Neuroscience (Mind, Brain, Behavior honors track)
Where are you located now?
Boston, Massachusetts
What are you doing?
I am spending my gap year prior to medical school as an AmeriCorps member through the Boston Health Care for the Homeless Program. During my time at BHCHP, I will serve as the Behavioral Health and Dental Health Educator and Care Coordinator for underserved patients and families.
What advice do you have for Harvard undergraduates, now that you’ve graduated?
Every person you meet here has a beautiful story to tell. This is, however, not limited to the world renowned professors lecturing at the front of the classroom– it also extends to the incredible dining hall staff, custodial workers, and graduate students that fill this campus with joy and compassion and care. Open up to the opportunity to form those meaningful connections with those you’d least expect, and carry yourself with humility along the way.