Lime Connect represents the largest network of high-potential university students and professionals – including veterans – who have disabilities in the world.
Lime Connect is a global not-for-profit 501(c)(3) organization that’s rebranding disability through achievement. They do that by attracting, preparing, and connecting these high potential individuals for scholarships, The Lime Connect Fellowship Program, The Lime Connect Foundations Program, and internships and full-time careers with corporate partners – the world’s leading corporations.
They are breaking stereotypes and leading companies of every size, industry and location to understand the importance of, and fully value, the talent and strengths that disabled employees bring to the workplace. Current programs are focused on the U.S. and Canada.
Lime is not an acronym. The brand was developed to represent a fresh approach in the disability talent space, and that Lime’s work is the “wave of the future.”
They connect corporate partners to a pool of talent that matches their top hiring profiles – high potential candidates they might not meet otherwise.
And, members of The Lime Network enjoy a lifelong experience that goes far beyond connecting for careers. Through professional development offerings, coaching and social events, Lime Connect develops community and provides members with tools, self-confidence, and connections, to reach their full potential professionally and personally.
By Katie Fell
Katie FellAdvisor, Harvard College Still Deciding, Exploring, & Self-Assessment