What will be your next step after graduation?
ALM Candidate, Sustainability, Harvard Extension School

Where will you be living?
Washington DC

In what ways has HES impacted your career and long-term professional goals?
Harvard has given me a whole new skill set to pivot my career from tech into sustainability. I want to be able to help companies move into a cleaner way of business as usual. There are so many ways we can change the future of the planet through sometimes insignificant steps forward that will allow our planet to thrive.

What advice do you have for HES students now that you have graduated?
Get to know your classmates. They will be the ones opening doors for you in the future. Build your community outside of class even if you are entirely remote. It is so rewarding when you do, and it makes graduation so much more fun. Also, when it comes to school work remember if you work hard, it all gets done. You got this!

Work Experience
  • ALM Candidate, Sustainability
  • Harvard Extension School
Apply to Graduate or Professional School, Climate, Sustainability, Environment, Energy, Technology & Engineering