
Harvard Undergraduate Consulting on Business and the Environment

Student Clubs & Organizations

Each semester, we match clients with case teams of talented student analysts, competitively selected through our rigorous interview and training …

Harvard College Consulting Group

Student Clubs & Organizations

HCCG is an entirely student-run nonprofit organization. Whether you are trying to enter a new market, develop a new product, …

Harvard Undergraduate Clean Energy Group

Student Clubs & Organizations

To accelerate the clean energy transition through interdisciplinary education and climate action.
Our group provides tools and opportunities to undergraduate …

Engineers Without Borders (Harvard Chapter)

Student Clubs & Organizations

A non-profit humanitarian organization established to partner with developing communities around the world in order to improve their quality of …

Harvard Undergraduate Robotics Club

Student Clubs & Organizations

We seek to provide Harvard undergraduates with not only the opportunity to participate in exciting and educational robotics projects, but …

Harvard Undergraduate Women in Business

Student Clubs & Organizations

HUWIB strives to empower and unite a dynamic group of 700+ enterprising young women at Harvard University through business education …

Harvard Lampoon

Student Clubs & Organizations

Written by seven undergraduates and modeled on Punch, the British humor magazine, the debut issue took the Harvard campus by …

Harvard College Engineering Society (HCES)

Student Clubs & Organizations

Promoting engineering and cross disciplinary collaboration on campus through mentorship activities, community building, professional recruiting and collaboration, as well as …

The Harvard Advocate

Student Clubs & Organizations

The oldest continuously published collegiate literary magazine in the country.  The Advocate’s mission is to publish the best art, fiction, …