The mission of the Group for Undergraduates in Statistics at Harvard (GUSH) is to create a unique space on campus …
Group for Undergraduates in Statistics at Harvard College (GUSH)
Harvard GRID
A partnership between Harvard John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences (SEAS) and Harvard’s Office of Technology Development …
Women in AI
We are a club of MIT and Harvard students who are interested in artificial intelligence and machine learning. Beginners and …
Society of Women Engineers (Harvard Chapter)
SWE’s mission is to empower women to achieve their full potential in careers as engineers and leaders; expand the image …
Harvard Undergraduate Latinxs in Finance & Technology (LiFT)
Founded in 2018, Harvard Undergraduate Latinxs in Finance & Technology (LiFT) is a student-run organization at Harvard that challenges the …
Harvard College Women’s Center’s: Women in STEM Mentorship Program (WiSTEM)
The mission of WiSTEM (Women in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) is to create and maintain an environment that fosters the …
Harvard Undergraduate Clean Energy Group
To accelerate the clean energy transition through interdisciplinary education and climate action.
Our group provides tools and opportunities to undergraduate …
Engineers Without Borders (Harvard Chapter)
A non-profit humanitarian organization established to partner with developing communities around the world in order to improve their quality of …
Harvard Undergraduate Robotics Club
We seek to provide Harvard undergraduates with not only the opportunity to participate in exciting and educational robotics projects, but …