The Mignone Center for Career Success welcomes students from all Harvard College concentrations, and offers a wide range of services and resources tailored specifically to internships, summer opportunities, and entry-level jobs for Harvard College students and recent alumni.

Talk to an Advisor

Drop-in Advising

Ten-minute “ask me anything” drop-in sessions every weekday.

Thirty-Minute Scheduled Appointments (in person, phone, or Zoom)

Discuss career decisions, summer planning, making connections, interviewing, applying to graduate school, or other questions. Log in to Crimson Careers and click on “advising appointment” at the top to view advisor availability and reserve a time. (First-year students: Attending a drop-in advising session grants you access to schedule a subsequent 30-minute advising appointment.)

Shivani Aggarwal, A.B. Integrative Biology

Where are you located now?
New Jersey

What are you doing?
MPhil in Health, Medicine and Society at the University of Cambridge, Trinity College on a Keasbey Fellowship

What advice do you have for Harvard undergraduates, now that you’ve graduated?

By Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong Marketing, Branding, and Communications Coordinator
Read more

Nicole Moulia, A.B., Psychology

Where are you located now?
Boston, MAWhat are you doing?
Starting my 1L year at Boston University School of Law.What advice do you have for Harvard undergraduates, now that you’ve graduated?
Make the most out of any and …

By Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong Marketing, Branding, and Communications Coordinator
Read more

Jake Schwenke, A.B., Art, Film, Visual Studies & Neuroscience

Where are you located now?
New Jersey

What are you doing?
I’m working on a new Disney film that shoots this summer!

What advice do you have for Harvard undergraduates, now that you’ve graduated?
“Adults” and higher-ups at your first …

By Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong Marketing, Branding, and Communications Coordinator
Read more


Featured Resources

Firsthand Vault Guides

Job Market InsightsIn partnership withLightcast logo

Find a career that aligns with your career interests, see current salary projects, and identify skills you need to apply for that next job or internship.

There are two ways to use this tool below:

  1. By Keyword: Search for the name of the occupation you’re interested in.
  2. By Industry: Not sure what job you’d like? Search by desired industry and see available occupations.

First, choose an industry of interest, then filter for occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)

Type in a keyword to select a relevant occupation. (If you'd like to see data for a specific location only, filter by state.)


Meet Ido
  • PhD Candidate, National Environmental Research Council (NERC) Doctoral Training Partnership (DTP) in Environmental Research Jesus College, University of Oxford
Meet Ella
Meet Cara
Meet Ananda
Meet Tianmeng
Meet Taylor
Meet Daniel
  • Masters Candidate, Teaching and Teaching Leadership Harvard Graduate School of Education
Meet Priya
Meet Jaidan
  • San Francisco, CA
  • PhD Candidate, Neuroscience University of California San Francisco
Meet Julian
Meet Natalie
Meet Ebony
Meet Matthew
Meet Atlas
  • College youth voter turnout organization, then Harvard Law in Fall 2025 Harvard Law
Meet June
  • Palo Alto, CA
  • Research Analyst in Residence Sutter Hill Ventures
Meet Benjamin
Meet Jasmyne
Meet Mary
Meet Shreya
  • Herchel Smith Fellowship, Environmental Engineering Cambridge University
Meet Bella

Skill Building Courses

Negotiating Your Salary with Valerie Sutton

Taught by Valerie Sutton
In this course, instructor Valerie Sutton, former Director at the Harvard Graduate School of Education Career Services Office, shares smart…

Get Ready for Your Coding Interview

Taught by YK Sugi
If you’ve nabbed an interview for a software development position, it’s likely that you’ll have to face a common hurdle—the…

Intro to Machine Learning

Taught by Dan Becker
Learn the core ideas in machine learning, and build your first models.

Learn Intro to SQL

Taught by Rachael Tatman & Alexis Cook
Learn SQL for working with databases, using Google BigQuery.

The Data Science of Sports Management

Taught by Barton Poulson
A passion for sports can turn an ordinarily math-averse individual into an amateur statistician, ready to back up their pick…

The Data Science of Retail, Sales, and Commerce

Taught by Barton Poulson
How does technology constantly gather data from the world of commerce around us? What can you derive from the data…

Public Relations Foundations

Taught by Deirdre Breakenridge
Public relations (PR) is critical to any business that wants to create media exposure, sway consumer opinion, and maintain a…

Producing Professional Audio and Video Podcasts

Whether you want to record a song, fix audio tracks, or enhance sound effects with multitrack recording, our Adobe Audition…

Visual Thinking Strategies

Taught by Philip Yenawine
What if teachers taught with questions rather than lectures? What if students were asked to reflect instead of regurgitate? Visual…

Audio and Music Production

Taught by Garrick Chow
What does it take to get work, and get skilled, in audio and music production? Garrick Chow has been making…

Learning Screenwriting

Taught by Mark Tapio Kines
Join independent film director and screenwriter Mark Tapio Kines as he walks you through the process of getting your screenplay…

Being Confident On Camera

Taught by CreatorUp
Learn how to be confident on camera and keep your audience engaged in your message. TV host and weatherman Jonathan…

Professional Songwriting

Taught by Cliff Goldmacher
Join professional songwriter Cliff Goldmacher as he shares his insights on the songwriting process and on what it takes to…

Writing Articles

Taught by Starshine Roshell
Articles are an effective tool for communicating complex ideas and stories in a friendly, credible, and easy-to-follow way. In this…

Data Storytelling

Taught by Bill Shander
We are wired for story. We crave it. Storytelling has played an integral role in our ability to make progress…

Selling Your Novel

Taught by Jessica Brody
You’ve written a book, and you’re excited to get it into readers’ hands. Selling your novel to a major publisher…

Book Writing

Taught by genConnectU
Are you a passionate writer who’s always thought about writing a book, but didn’t know where to start? Maybe you…

Basics of Fashion Design

Taught by Robin Schneider
A working knowledge of Adobe Photoshop is a must for anyone trying to jump-start a career in fashion. In this…

Copywriting for Social Media

Taught by Michaela Alexis
The right words can move your audience to act. But reliably finding those words—and fine-tuning them for posts on different…

Getting Started in Graphic Design

Taught by Cara St. Hilaire
New to graphic design? You’re in the right place. Discover the most crucial skills, tools, and techniques for graphic designers…

Contact & Location


Harvard University
54 Dunster Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

MCS Hours

Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) is committed to ensuring access to a broad range of information and opportunities across all sectors. Our website contains external content that may be useful to our learners. The inclusion of external content does not necessarily constitute endorsement, recommendation, or agreement with the information.