Nicole Moulia, A.B., Psychology

Where are you located now?
Boston, MAWhat are you doing?
Starting my 1L year at Boston University School of Law.What advice do you have for Harvard undergraduates, now that you’ve graduated?
Make the most out of any and …

By Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong Marketing, Branding, and Communications Coordinator
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Gabriela Rivero, A.B., Sociology

Where are you located now?
CampusWhat are you doing?
Starting at the University of Miami School of Law to become an immigration attorney specializing in asylum.What advice do you have for Harvard undergraduates, now that you’ve graduated?
Have …

By Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong Marketing, Branding, and Communications Coordinator
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Lisette Leon, A.B., Government and Ethnicity, Migration, and Rights

Where are you located now?
New York, NY

What are you doing?
I am working as a legal assistant at Milbank in the Litigation Group and hoping to find volunteer spaces once I get my grounding in this new job.

By Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong Marketing, Branding, and Communications Coordinator
Read more


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Meet Cara
Meet Ananda
  • Masters Candidate, Teaching and Teaching Leadership Harvard Graduate School of Education
Meet Priya
Meet Ebony
Meet Atlas
  • College youth voter turnout organization, then Harvard Law in Fall 2025 Harvard Law
Meet June
Meet Shreya
  • Washington DC
  • Master's Candidate, International Relations Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies
Meet Sama
Meet Artha
  • Cincinnati, OH
  • Physical Sciences Trainee Environmental Protection Agency
Meet Ben
  • Boston, MA
  • Analyst / Youth Climate Advocate Boston Consulting Group/ United Nations
Meet Kristen
  • Worcester, MA
  • Computer Science Teacher Worcester Academy
Meet Zach
Meet Micaiah
  • Los Angeles, CA
  • Master's in Education Candidate, Education Policy and Analysis Harvard Graduate School of Education
Meet Ashley
Meet Grace
  • Palo Alto, CA
  • Stanford University Masters Candidate, International Policy, Stanford University
Meet Nikolas
Meet Kathleen
  • Master's Candidate, Teaching and Teacher Leadership Harvard Graduate School of Education
Meet Anna
Meet Daniela
Meet Emmanouela

Skill Building Courses

Instructional Designer

Taught by Joe Pulichino
Instructional design (ID) models are frameworks that help you create quality training. In this course, instructional design expert Dr. Joe…

Learning to Teach Online

Taught by Oliver Schinkten
Technology has changed the nature of education—and the jobs of educators. Online instruction requires different methods to help students learn.…

Nonprofit Management Foundations

Taught by Leslie Crutchfield
Thinking about leading a nonprofit organization? Internationally renowned author Leslie Crutchfield provides a primer on nonprofit management and leadership. She…

Leading in Government

Taught by Adelle Dantzler
Many people feel that leading in government is a puzzle. While it certainly has its challenges, serving the public can…

Technology and Data Careers in Government

Taught by Jonathan Reichental
Today, some of the most exciting, meaningful, impactful, and in-demand IT careers are in helping to make cities work well.…

Neuroscience for More Effective Learning & Development

Taught by Stella Collins
The brain works in mysterious ways. Why is some knowledge retained, while other information just fades away? Neuroscience—the study of…

Communicating Across Cultures

Taught by Tatiana Kolovou
To succeed in a cross-cultural business setting, it’s important to understand the differences in how people communicate. Language isn’t the…

Managing Projects Across Cultures

Taught by Sam Yankelevitch
The success of your global project team is dependent on the ability of your team members to work effectively across…

Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

Taught by Tarun Khanna
This business and management course, taught by Harvard Business School professor Tarun Khanna, takes an inter-disciplinary approach to understanding and…

Leading Globally

Taught by Anil Gupta & Haiyan Wang
Global expansion can help a company grow faster, enjoy the benefits of global scale, and tap into the unique advantages…

Contact & Location


Harvard University
54 Dunster Street
Cambridge, MA 02138

MCS Hours

Monday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Tuesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Wednesday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Thursday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Friday 9:00 am - 5:00 pm

The Mignone Center for Career Success (MCS) is committed to ensuring access to a broad range of information and opportunities across all sectors. Our website contains external content that may be useful to our learners. The inclusion of external content does not necessarily constitute endorsement, recommendation, or agreement with the information.