Students who identify as bisexual, gay, lesbian, transgender, queer, and/or questioning (BGLTQ) deserve a supportive environment both in college and as they transition into the workforce. However, the inclusion of BGLTQ employees may vary by industry and geographic location. As a BGLTQ student you may encounter unique career planning challenges related to sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. When preparing for entry into the workforce, we recommend that BGLTQ students meet with representatives from the Office of BGLTQ Student Life at Harvard College and career advisors at our office. We are prepared to provide you with resources and support as you begin thinking about issues regarding job searching, interviewing, and navigating the culture of the workplace. Regardless of how you identify, we are here to meet you where you are and to help you determine what is right for you as you plan and prepare for your next step.
Stop by Monday, February 6th from 2-5pm on the 10th Floor of the Smith Campus Center to learn more!
Scene: You just committed to attend Friday’s career fair when suddenly you realize, “Oh no. Business casual options are clearly lacking …
For a growing number of individuals publicly identifying as non-binary, the job search and application process can be filled with a lot of unknowns. In addition to preparing for interview questions and wondering if you’ll connect with the hiring manager, …