Some key roles in the advertising industry include: new business services, account services, account planning, creative, media, and production. Marketers use research data or feedback to determine customer demand or identify potential markets for their products and services. Some key areas within the marketing industry include: product management, brand management, marketing analytics, digital marketing, and content marketing. Public relations is focused on the image and portrayal of an organization or individual, and involves media that is free or “earned” through strategies such as cultivating relationships or providing pitches and press releases.
Upcoming Events
Amy DiGiovine
Assistant Director, Arts, Entertainment, Media, Pre-Law, Advertising, Marketing, Journalism, Publishing, Fashion, & Sports Meet Amy
Assistant Director, Arts, Entertainment, Media, Pre-Law, Advertising, Marketing, Journalism, Publishing, Fashion, & Sports Meet Amy
Kylee Johnston
Assistant Director, Employer Outreach and Engagement Meet Kylee
Assistant Director, Employer Outreach and Engagement Meet Kylee
Marissa Long
Associate Director, Recruiting and Employer Engagement Meet Marissa
Associate Director, Recruiting and Employer Engagement Meet Marissa