“It didn’t take long for software engineer Kate Rotondo to find out her male coworkers were making more money. First she discovered she made $25,000 less in base salary than a colleague doing the same work as her at a …
A great internship is full of potential for your career. For starters, an internship can provide a direct path to full-time employment, but this isn’t necessarily a guarantee. Something you can always control is the way in which you interact …
This article was originally published in Jumpstart, authored by Veeksha Dechamma. Please see exerpt below and full link to article. “By making historical data more accessible and enhancing visitor interactions, AI is helping museums reclaim their spot as the epicenters …
This article was published by NACE (National Association of Colleges and Employers). See the excerpt and link to the full article below.
“Katie Donavan—founder and consultant at Equal Pay Negotiations LLC, which helps individuals achieve pay equity and equitable representation …
In today’s job market, making connections matters—a lot! Have you ever wondered why some people seem to land great job opportunities effortlessly? It’s often because of their network.
Your network is like a circle of friends, serving as a vital …
If you’re like any other Harvard student, you likely get approximately 30 emails an hour. Add to this that you rarely have time to skim them, let alone read in depth, and you’re suffering from an oversaturation of information that …
First, some facts about employment and humanities:
Add in that employers actively seek humanities concentrators’ skills:
So, why are some employers still so focused on your concentration? Sometimes it’s assumptions and sometimes, it is truly a way for organizations to …
“To give AI-focused women academics and others their well-deserved — and overdue — time in the spotlight, TechCrunch is launching a series of interviews focusing on remarkable women who’ve contributed to the AI revolution. We’ll publish several pieces throughout the year as the …
Decision-making skills are the soft skills that you can use to help solve every problem at a company. Whether an employee needs to choose what font is best for a brand logo or what growth marketing tactic to use, making …
by Dean Lee, Computational biology for cell therapy @ Novartis | Figure One Lab
If you have not previously interviewed for a compbio role in biotech/pharma, it may be unclear how you should prepare. Read on for an outline of what to …