Ekaterina Kostiouknhina, ALM Psychology

Where will you be living next year, and what will you be doing?
Mexico – Completing a book on Cyberpsychology which will be inaugurated this year at the Ministry of the Interior and National Security of Guatemala.

Completing a book on ethical political campaigns, which will be inaugurated this year in Mexico.

Providing training to military personnel in Mexico and Guatemala on the topics of Cyberpsychology.

Continue to participate in interviews for diverse media channels on the topics of cyberpsychology, neuropolitics and the effects of political campaigning practices on the populations (TV Interview: https://youtu.be/uKT0An47c-4 )

Continue to provide motivational lectures to students who are starting their careers and who face diverse challenges such as financial, racial and political struggles. (lecture on resiliency: https://fb.watch/5-r0o-KZf_/ )

What advice do you have for Harvard HES students, now that you have graduated?
Enjoy the process and savor each class with the pearls of wisdom that it comes. The quality of the education is excellent like a gourmet meal for the brain.

Make lots of new friends! Seize as many opportunities as you can to come to campus and attend as many networking events as possible. The friends you will make during your HES journey, will be your dearest colleagues for life.

In what ways has your Harvard Extension degree impacted your career?
The journey of Harvard Extension School has significantly contributed to major changes and improvements not only to my career, but also to my life in general. I have gained a better understanding of human psychology, leadership and organization of societies.

By Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong Marketing, Branding, and Communications Coordinator