Andrew Peterson, ALM Creative Writing and Literature

Where will you be living next year, and what will you be doing?
United States – I will be working on short stories, a novel, and getting my work published. I am also exploring the possibility of adjunct positions near me.

What advice do you have for Harvard HES students, now that you have graduated?
HES students all want to be more than they once were but understand that sometimes life doesn’t happen in neat, predictable chunks. The people you meet, the instructors who will guide you, and the resources at your disposal are unparalleled. The extension school is a first-class education all the way. HES is the best part of Harvard University.

In what ways has your Harvard Extension degree impacted your career?
My Harvard Extension degree has not impacted my career but shown me that other careers are both possible and within my grasp.

By Thomas Oppong
Thomas Oppong Marketing, Branding, and Communications Coordinator